welcome To

University of Benin

Centre For Distant Learning

VC's Message

It is with great delight and utmost sense of satisfaction that I welcome you onboard the University of Benin, Nigeria Distance Learning Centre.

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The applicant must have a valid e-mail account before starting the application process. For Information on how to apply for a course Click here

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News and Events

Stay informed and up to date with the latest news and information from the University of Benin, Centre for distance learning.

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Why University of Benin

University of Benin (Uniben) is one of the most sought-after Universities in Nigeria today and is centrally located with several qualified lecturers and other staff in her employment.

The Brand name UNIBEN signifies qualitative teaching from experienced teachers and a certificate that is highly respected within and outside the country.


Student Portal

Log-in to your student profile


Learning Managment System

Access to our Online Courses


Open Resource Library

High quality online resources


At the University of Benin, students can study various courses located in different faculties but we are starting with a B.Sc. degree programme in Accounting for both 100 level students and Direct Entry 200 level students.

Management Science


Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. From the Facualty of Management Science

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Undergraduate Programs



The features are similar to the traditional type of learning except that you do not have to attend classes regularly where you see your lacturer. Otherwise you still have to have your textbooks, take and submit assignments, write your exams etc. The good thing is that you do most of these in the comfort of your home, office or on the go. You can travel anywhere and still be okay with your studies so long as you have your computer and internet access to connect online.

Entry requirements differ for each course just as is the case in a conventional university. For a degree program, five credits in West African School Certificate or its approved equivalent with credit passes in at least five subjects is the general requirement. Read the additional requirements for the course you wish to study.

If there is any need for all students to meet online at any particular time, students will be notified but generally the distance learning program is very flexible such that lecture notes, assignment, quizzes etc are uploaded by teachers and then students in their own time visit the site to download these materials for their use.

Distance learning institutions was originally meant for adults who could not get formal education due to the fact that they have to earn a living and they have families to cater for. So with distance learning, they could combine all of these obligations and still get education. However that has changed as young persons straight from secondary school can apply provided that are qualified.

That depends on the program but generally it is 5 and 6 years for first degree.

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